Gender Equality

What is the state of play in your municipality or region?

How do you encourage women’s participation in local elections? What is your strategy to eliminate gender harassment? Did you manage to ensure gender balance within advisory bodies set up by the local authority?

UCLG adressing the need for Gender equality in Post-2015 at OW8

As part of the OWG 8 session in New-York this week, Member States, Major Groups and stakeholders will discuss the issue of equality, in particular gender equality and women empowerment.

UCLG will advocate to eradicate poverty and advance women’s empowerment before the United Nations

The United Nations will celebrate the 58th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) from 10 to 21 March 2014 in New York with the participation of the UCLG Standing Committee of Gender Equality and 14 members representing the Organization.

UCLG Women calls for increased participation of women in the construction of democracy

The UCLG Standing Committee on Gender Equality chaired by Anne Hidalgo, Deputy Mayor of Paris and Co-President of UCLG, came together on the 1st October in Rabat and called for the World Organization to defend the role of

UN Volunteers to start e-discussion on children & youngsters in Urban Areas

As part of UNV’s effort in the framework of the post-2015 process, UNV presents a concrete opportunity for civil society and youth in particular to speak up their voices.

UCLG will facilitate local and regional governments’ contributions at UN Habitat Governing Council

United Cities and Local Governments will facilitate the inputs of local and regional authorities during the sessions of the 24th Governing Council of UN Habitat that will be held on 15-19 April in Nairobi, Kenya.


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