Local Economic Development

CGLU participó en el Encuentro Internacional HÁBITAT III+2 en Quito

Además, del lanzamiento de “Quito Decide”, una plataforma en línea que facilita la participación, al generar un espacio virtual en el cual toda la ciudadanía puede proponer, opinar, incidir y decidir sobre los temas fundamentales de la

Advocating for the strategic integration of public markets in​​ the new global development agenda

The 9th edition of the International Public Markets Conference took place between 26 and 28 March in Barcelona.

How Dakar (almost) got its first municipal bond to market

This week, Dakar was all ready to celebrate a financial achievement that hardly gets noticed in today’s world when it happens in New York, Frankfurt or Tokyo. But it represented a first for cities in Senegal, as well as the great majority of Africa’s nations.


High Level Symposium: Promoting Regional Cooperation and Local Economic Development (South Asia)

Commonwealth Local Government Forum (CLGF) organized a consultative meeting on 29-30 September 2014 in Colombo, Sri Lanka.

Enhancing Inclusive LED and Good Local Governance in ASEAN Economic Community 2015

Under the framework of DELGOSEA, UCLG ASPAC in collaboration with OXFAM, FCM, and Rockefeller Foundation is holding the “Enhancing Inclusive LED and Good Local Governance in ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) 2015: Towards Inclusive Growth, SMEs Development, and Women’s Economic Leadership” t

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