During the UCLG Presidency/ Leadership meeting of UCLG on February 13 in Barcelona, Ilsur Metshin made a presentation of the work plan of the Eurasian section of UCLG in 2015 and introduced the initiative of the section.
The first initiative is Cities International Activity Rating: “Nowadays cities are involved in competition with each other, whether they like it or not. It is a struggle for investments, tourist flows, labor, brainpower and so on. Moreover, the competition is not so much with the neighboring towns, but as with the relevant cities in other countries and continents. In modern conditions the cities that pay attention to international activities, are on a par with global processes and involved in attracting resources at the global level. In these circumstances, it is necessary to know which of our cities the most successful in this regard, whose experience could be used for the benefit of our residents Mayors are always curious to see how their cities measure up against with others; it will be interesting for them to show the projects that have been made with the soul and that can become a global experience” - outlined Ilsur Metshin the usefulness of such rating.
The rating will be conducted by the secretariat of the Eurasian section of UCLG, together with an expert group, which will include scientists and experts in the field of international cooperation. Developments of the expert group and the Secretariat will be approved by the Expert Panel of the UCLG-Eurasia.
In July 2015, during the Eurasia Local Governments Congress in Kazan it is planned to introduce the results of the first rating, which will be held among the cities of the Eurasian section of UCLG on the results of 2014.
One of the most important events for our organization in 2015 will be Eurasia Local Governments Congress, which is held every three years and bring together local and regional leaders of the Eurasian region. The governing bodies of section will be elected in the meeting of the General Assembly of the Eurasian section of UCLG which will hold during the Congress.
Ilsur Metshin invited members of the Presidency of UCLG to visit Kazan this summer:
It should be noted that this Congress will be held in Kazan in the days of the FINA World Championships 2015. The 16th FINA World Championships will be held in Kazan, Russia from 24 July to 9 August 2015. I would like to invite members of the Presidency to visit Kazan and took part in the Eurasia Local Governments Congress and visit the opening ceremony of the World Aquatics Championships”.
And the third, but no less important initiative is the holding of the meeting of the UCLG Executive Bureau in June 2016 in Kazan. It is worth noting that in the history of the World Organization none of statutory event of UCLG, never been hold neither in Russia, nor in any other country in the Eurasian region.
“This is a good chance for all members of the Executive Bureau to gain a familiarity with Russia and Kazan. The geographical position of Russia, in particular, the Republic of Tatarstan in Eurasia implies its role as a platform to bring together Western and Eastern civilizations, so we strive to strengthen our relations with all countries of the Eurasian region, to actively participate in building a system of free trade, economic and investment cooperation. Kazan has a vast experience in the world events of the highest level. I hope that you will support our initiative, when this issue will be addressed at the next meeting of the Executive Bureau in the city of Porto Alegre”. - said co-president of UCLG.
Source: www.euroasia-uclg.ru