Source: www.ccre.org
CEMR calls on Europe's local and regional government to help their Serbian and Bosnian counterparts affected by the recent floods.
This call comes in response to an urgent appeal from two of our member associations, namely the SKGO and the SOGFBIH, asking for mobilisation of all their sister organisations throughout Europe, and their member municipalities.
Flooding has paralysed municipalities, cities and towns, leaving thousands of people without home, food or support. Serbian and Bosnian mayors bear the tremendous burden of responding to this emergency situation. In this particularly difficult context, it is important to show solidarity with our fellow Europeans directly affected by this disaster, said CEMR secretary general, Frédéric Vallier.
How to contribute?
We invite you to contact directly the Serbian and Bosnian embassies and consulates in your respective countries for the delivery of goods (food, baby food, diapers, clothing, boots, etc). For technical and financial transfer please contact the respective association of local authorities and their staff involved in the management of the crisis: