28-29 November 2013. Bonn, Germany
+INFO: http://www.sef-bonn.org
The Development and Peace Foundation (SEF) and its cooperating partners organize an international conference on "Local Actors and the Post-2015 Agenda. Good local governance: a prerequisite for development?".
With the adoption of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in 2000, around 190 heads of state and government undertook to combat extreme poverty in its various forms. The target date set for the achievement of these Goals – the end of 2015 – is rapidly approaching. There is already intense debate at both global and national level about the thematic focus that should be adopted for a new post-2015 agenda, with some key figures calling for a paradigm shift away from a purely development-based agenda towards a global agenda with responsibilities for industrial, emerging and developing countries alike.
The Bonn Symposium therefore aims to give future local stakeholders from various regions of the world an opportunity to discuss how the tasks that are likely to feature on the new development agenda can be addressed as democratically, transparently and effectively as possible.This must include an exploration of issues relating to citizens’ participation, as well as the legal, institutional and administrative conditions which must be in place for good governance, including good financial governance, at the local level.
You can consult here the programme.