17 - 18 February 2014. Brussels, Belgium
+INFO: ec.europa.eu
More than two thirds of EU citizens live in urban areas – but does policy making in the EU reflect the realities of today's Europe? As calls grow for an EU Urban Agenda, the European Commission will host a main forum and a series of side events to debate how Member States and EU institutions should work together to ensure that cities play their full role in European development – and that their needs are fully reflected in policy thinking. "CiTIEs: Cities of Tomorrow: Investing in Europe" will provide a forum to shape a debate that matters to all of us.
The forum will contribute to a strengthened profile of the urban dimension within EU Policies and wants to emphasize the importance of investments in urban areas and cities as agents for delivering EU policy objectives. The forum will consult key urban stakeholders across Europe on the need for an EU Urban Agenda, what it should contain and how it should be implemented. The forum will also discuss Europe’s role in global urban development as well as the role of business in the development of our cities.