24-27 August 2014. Aktau, Kazakhstan.
+INFO: www.euroasia-uclg.ru / www.ovpm.org / Programme
The International Conference of Eurasia World Heritage Cities will be hosted by the city of Aktau (Kazakhstan) on the 24-27 August 2014.
Aktau is a jewel, washed by the waters of the Caspian Sea, a sea gate of Kazakhstan, the city, appeared on the transit route of the Great Silk Road, binding eastern, western, southern and northern civilization as culturally, historically and spatially-geographical context. Mangistau region’s administrative center Aktau is a guardian of shrines of many centuries of nomadic culture, witness of sunrise and sunset of the great empires, can offer the inquisitive researcher or inquisitive traveler an unforgettable experience of historical and natural beauties.
The Conference will be held under the auspices of UNESCO and will consider topics such as investments in heritage and tourism infrastructure development, protection and use of historical and cultural heritage in the Eurasian space, etc. The leaders of historical cities, experts in the field of heritage conservation, businessmen, the representatives of UNESCO and the Getty Foundation and other organizations will gather together.
The host-city of the next 8th International conference of Eurasia World Heritage Cities will be elected during the conference.
Taking into account the importance of this event, we ask you to add the date of August 24-27 in your calendar, and take part in the International Conference of World Heritage Cities of Eurasia in Aktau. Your participation is very important for us and for effective dialogue of Eurasian local authorities for the benefit of preserving the cultural and historical heritage.