16-18 March 2015, Brussels, Belgium
+ INFO: www.webgate.ec.europa.eu / Peliminary Agenda from the European Commission / Background Documents
The PFD is made up of about 80 people representing: the EC and other European institutions, the EU Parliament and governments of Member States, sectors of civil society (NGOs, trade unions, cooperatives, private sector) and local and regional authorities from across the world.
The overarching goal of the Policy Forum on Development is to provide CSOs and LRAs from the EU and partner countries with a space for multi-stakeholder dialogue at the EC Headquarters level, to ensure their effective consultation and contribution to the EU development policies and programmes.
Scope of the Policy Forum on Development
In continuity with the Structured Dialogue, the PFD is conceived as a confidence- and trust-building mechanism and not as a negotiation or decision-making space. It will promote communication and better understanding among all stakeholders.
The 3rd Policy Forum on Development will be held in Brussels, from 16th to 18th March.