14-18 April 2015. Nairobi, Kenya
+INFO: www.unhabitat.org/prepcom2 / Local and regional governments on their way to Habitat III Publication / Campaign "Shaping the #CitiesWeWant"
Habitat III will be a key moment for Local and Regional Governments, as it will be charged with the definition of a shared vision of the “New Urban Agenda”, and it will most probably define many of the implementation mechanisms of the 2015 Summit Resolutions and Sustainable Development Goals.
The Global Taskforce of Local and Regional Governments for Post-2015 Agenda towards Habitat III (GTF) gathers local and regional government leaders and their global organisations in order to build a joint strategy to contribute to the international policy making debates towards Habitat III.
The side-event will provide the opportunity to reiterate the commitment of local authorities to contribute and it will provide indications of policy priorities, challenges experienced in the Habitat II outcomes implementation as well as presenting expectations of local and regional governments, their networks and partners towards the Habitat III agenda.