23-24 November 2015. Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico
+INFO: metropolitangovernanceforum.org / Program
Jalisco and the Metropolitan Area of Guadalajara (MAG) face major challenges and opportunities regarding the management of the city that should be discussed to find feasible solutions with an innovative metropolitan approach. In order to do that, the Jalisco state government has established an agreement and joint agenda with UN-Habitat aiming to develop more coordinated, participatory, inclusive and effective governance processes, offering comprehensive solutions to the everyday challenges that the city and its inhabitants demand.
One of the strategies is to celebrate the International Forum on Metropolitan Governance Innovation. This world class event represents an opportunity to learn, present and exchange initiatives among cities around the world, with the purpose of understanding best practices on Metropolitan Governance and discussing the main actions to be taken, particularly in the MAG.
This Forum will also serve as a space to disseminate relevant contents of an existing public debate, mainly focused on the definition of the necessary measures to improve urban regions and cities. Furthermore, it will actively contribute to the global agenda that UN-Habitat promotes, paving the way for the Third United Nations Conference of Human Settlements - HABITAT III, to be held in 2016 in Quito, Ecuador.