26-28 September 2016. Nantes, France
+ INFO: www.climatechance2016.com
CLIMAT CHANCE is a global summit with the aim to become a regular event for all non-state actors involved in the fight against climate change.
Local authorities, businesses, associations, trade unions, the scientific community and citizens are invited to this meeting, which should enable a global plan of action to be drawn up, offer more in-depth discussions on both achievements and obstacles, encourage the sharing of experiences and innovations, as well as highlight the opportunities emerging from this resolute fight against climate change.
Hosted in Nantes, the first CLIMATE CHANCE summit will be held from 26 to 28 September 2016 at La Cité Nantes Events Center, the Nantes Convention Centre. This major event will bring together thousands of participants from all over the world.
European Green Capital 2013, president of EUROCITIES, the network of the 130 major European cities, representative for climate at the network United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG); Nantes is a city known for its ecological and energy transition.