25-27 April, 2018. Belém, Brasil.
+INFO: www.localizingthesdgs.org
It is a workshop about localizing the SDGs for Agenda 2030 in Belem (Brasil) at the “Oficina de Localização da Agenda 2030”. The event is organized by the National Association of Brazilian Municipalities (CNM) in collaboration with United Nations Development Program (UNDP), Federation of Latin American Cities, Municipalities and Associations (FLACMA), Federación de Asociaciones de Municipios de Pará (FAMEP, by its Spanish acronym) and United and Cities Local Governments (UCLG).
This event aims foster capacities at local levels to promote planning and land management mechanisms for the localization of SDGs. Furthermore, the meeting provide a great opportunity to exchange experiences between regions and cities and promoted peer-learning experiences between participants.
More information:
- Read the news Taller para Localizar la Agenda 2030 en Pará.
- Read the news CNM promove oficina em Belém (PA); ação faz parte do projeto Localizando os ODS no Brasil
- Read the news Oficina de Localização da Agenda 2030