In advance of the High Level Political Forum in 2019, where the topic of the Thematic Review will be ‘Empowering People And Ensuring Inclusiveness and Equality’ and will include SDG 16 on peaceful, just and inclusive societies, this meeting is a unique opportunity to highlight progress on monitoring, reporting and implementation of SDG 16+ and distill key messages for the thematic review of SDG 16 in 2019. The consultation will particularly focus on effective, accountable and transparent institutions at all levels, and the role of local governments and multi-stakeholder participation in defining, delivering, measuring, and reporting on SDG16+ at the local level.
The SDG16+ Technical Consultation for the Arab States region is being convened Tunis, Tunisia, on 26-27 March 2018 by UNDP in partnership with the Global Alliance on Reporting on Peaceful, Just and Inclusive Societies, and United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG).
Participants will discuss experiences, lessons learnt and best practices in the implementation of, as well as monitoring and reporting on, SDG 16+ at the local level for building inclusive institutions.
more info coming soon.