The Global Community of Practice on Transparency and Open Government of UCLG is organizing a morning dedicated to the discussion on local open government in collaboration with the Open Government Partnership, the Government of Canada and Open North, as part of the events that accompany the Open Government Partnership Global Summit to be held in Ottawa (Canada) the last week of May.
The Local Side Event aims to be a space for exchange between the different actors that work to strengthen open government at the local level, as well as to highlight the necessary role of local and regional governments in the Open Government Agenda and in OGP's programs and strategies. The event will be held on Wednesday, May 29 from 8:00 am to 1:30 pm at Ottawa City Hall and will count with the participation of local and regional governments, representatives of civil society, private sector and academia.
The morning will be divided into two plenary sessions to discuss: 1) the importance of local governments in the open government agenda and 2) the necessary multilevel articulation for its development. Likewise, a space will be created to exchange local experiences on issues of participation, impact and inclusion.
We call local and regional governments that will be participating in the Summit to join this event as it will be a great opportunity to broaden our network and to share and generate local knowledge in favor of more open, inclusive and sustainable territories.
Registration can be done in the following website: http://bit.ly/OGPLocalEvent19. There is no registration fee but we count with limited spaces, therefore, we encourage you to register as soon as possible.
Hope to count with your participation in Ottawa!
- Visit ogpsummit.org