The 5th AMF will serve as a platform for discussions among ASEAN’s local political leaders, national policy makers, international development partners and other experts, on how cities and local governments can collaborate in the priority areas set forth for ASEAN’s SDG implementation as well as other relevant frameworks to address urbanisation challenges.
In line with Thailand’s ASEAN Chairmanship, this year’s AMF will be held in Bangkok and will contribute to the overarching theme of the Chair country: Advancing Partnership for Sustainability. The event will be jointly organised by the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA), the United Nations Economic Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN ESCAP) and the United Cities and Local Governments Asia Pacific (UCLG ASPAC).
The 5th AMF will aim at Driving Local Actions for Sustainable and Inclusive Growth to support ASEAN’s efforts to accelerate SDGs achievements while ensuring effective management of urbanisation, protecting environment and inclusive growth. The meeting discussions will be framed by the following sub-themes: Digital ASEAN (future-oriented), Seamless ASEAN (enhanced connectivity), and Sustainable ASEAN (sustainability in all dimensions).
The event will draw up to 300 participants, comprising mayors, representatives of local governments and local government associations from all ASEAN member states. Other participants will include the Permanent Representatives to and Secretariat of ASEAN, national government representatives, policy makers, academics, technical experts, development partner countries and institutions, specialised agencies and private sector representatives.