This event is celebrated yearly on October 14th, marking the anniversary of the Montréal Declaration on Metropolitan Areas (2015). It is a unique opportunity for communities from across the world to come together to make visible the metropolitan reality: the growth of the world's urbanized areas beyond the jurisdictional boundaries of municipalities, generating complex urban systems where the world’s greatest transformations take place.
Led by CIPPEC and Metropolis, the World Metropolitan Day campaign calls local and regional authorities across the world to organize an event on October 7th to bring together the representatives of the different levels of government that operate in the same metropolitan area, and promote open discussions about the pressing issues that they face together, as part of a metropolitan community.
How to celebrate World Metropolitan Day?
If you belong to a local or regional government that is located in a metropolitan territory in any part of the world, just follow the steps below:
If you belong to an organization that would like to contribute to World Metropolitan DayEntities from different sectors (e.g. private companies, academic institutions, civil society organizations, multilateral entities, city networks...) can support and participate in the World Metropolitan Day campaign. Please send a message [email protected] to know more about our opportunities for partners.
The World Metropolitan Day campaign will focus on the implementation of specific Sustainable Development Goals at metropolitan scales.