17-18 January 2013. Barcelona, Spain.
+INFO: GOLD website
Over the following months, UCLG will hold several regional workshops to discuss the role of Local Government in the Governance of Local Basic Service in the different world regions. As part of the Global Observatory on Local Democracy and Decentralization, UCLG produces a triennial Global Report (GOLD), on key issues of interest to local government. The third report, GOLD III will focus on the governance of local basic services. A group of experts have been working, under the coordination ofDr. David Satterthwaite to develop a draft report on the state Water, Sanitation, Solid Waste, Transport and Energy in the different world regions. The upcoming workshops mark the halfway point of the GOLD III report process, where the expert driven work is presented to the UCLG membership for corrections and additions, so as to ensure the work truly reflects the vision of local practitioners.
Picture: Mireia Écija (Creative Commons)