18 - 20 march 2013. Kwa Dukuzu, South Africa
Intermediary cities have an important role to play not only in planning the development of fast changing territories, but also in liaising with different government tiers, building powerful rural - urban relations and involving unequal stakeholders. Associations involved in service provision, economic clusters and long term investment alliances for ncreasing employment oportunities can often be innovative and need to be better informed in order to enable learning. In 2013, the UCLG Strategic Planning Committee will therefore seek to focus on planning intermediary cities in order to discuss priorities and recomendations during the Rabat congress. Please find further information in our flyer.
In cooperation with the provincial government of Kwa Zulu Natal, the Municipal learning institute MILE and the cities of Newcastle and Kwadukuzu, the UCLG Committee on Urban Strategic Planning will coordinate an international learning event on intermediary cities.
Picture by Monstroneddo (Creative Commons)