De nos membres

De nos membres
Egalité des genres - 17/04/2015
La rencontre des femmes élues locales d’Afrique (REFELA) s’est tenue à Rabat, Maroc, du 12 au 14 avril 2015. (+)
3rd Meeting of Municipalities with Sustainable Development
De nos membres
On 7, 8 and 9 April, the third Meeting of Municipalities with Sustainable Development (III EMDS) took place in the city of Brasilia. The event was organized by the National Front of Mayors (FNP) in partnership with SEBRAE and more than 109 Brazilian and international organizations, including UCLG. (+)
De nos membres
Climate change - 10/04/2015
La société civile méditerranéenne : collectivités territoriales, chambres consulaires, acteurs économiques, ONG, chercheurs, associations... se mobilise pour relever le défi du changement climatique en Méditerranée à l’occasion de la MEDCOP 21. (+)
De nos membres
Habitat III - 10/04/2015
Habitat II saw the recognition of local governments as one of the main partners of UN Habitat in the implementation of the Habitat Agenda. Twenty years on, local and regional governments are hoping to build on the success of this partnership by seeking special status in the governance structure of the implementation of the Habitat Agenda. . (+)
Mayor Celestine Ketcha Courtès
De nos membres
“The development architecture should include all levels of government, including the local level. Also mutual accountability between all levels of governance is crucial”. This is what Mayor Celestine Ketcha Courtès said in her role as reporter during the Mutual Accountability workshop of the first High-Level Symposium in Korea. (+)
De nos membres
The city of Matola (Mozambique) was elected as the new city that holds the presidency of IOPD and that will organize the 16th IOPD Conference during the General Assembly of IOPD members held in the city of Madrid (Spain) on March 25. (+)
