The world is constantly involved in large-scale technological changes and in many cities internet is part of people's daily lives. However, every day there are new cases of misinformation, the sale of personal data or other misuses such as social networks as tools of harassment.
As cities, the closest level of governance to people, we have the opportunity to make technological advances that improve the lives of all citizens under the principles of privacy, freedom of expression and democracy on digital platforms. That is why, in November 2018, the Coalition of Cities for Digital Rights was launched and so far, more than 25 cities committed to the advancement of digital rights have joined, including Barcelona, Amsterdam and New York.
Working together with the World Organization of United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG), Eurocities and UN-Habitat, this is the first time that cities have come together to protect digital rights internationally. Through its participation in the coalition, UCLG seeks to bridge the gap between the work of the group and the positions of local and regional governments as a whole, as well as to support the inclusion of the Coalition's positions into international political processes.
This movement is a first step for local governments to lead the way in securing a people-centred digital future, ensuring that digital data is used as a tool for cities to improve their public policies. Under this premise, the Declaration revolves around five principles: universal and equal access to the Internet and digital literacy; privacy, data protection and data security; transparency, accountability and non-discrimination of data, content and algorithms; participatory democracy, diversity and inclusion; and open and ethical digital service standards.
With these objectives, member cities will have the opportunity to participate in spaces to share and disseminate best practices, learn from each city's successes and challenges, and coordinate common international initiatives and actions to influence relevant political processes so that our voice is heard.
Join the cities that have signed the Declaration and join the Coalition for Digital Rights!
To support the Declaration of Cities for Digital Rights and to join the Coalition, please express your interest by sending an email to the World Secretariat at [email protected].
- See the complete list of committed cities.
- The full statement here.