
Ce blog se veut un espace de partage de connaissances, d'opinions, de plaidoyer et de débat, à la fois entre les membres de CGLU mais aussi avec la communauté internationale de gouvernements locaux et régionaux. Contributions et commentaires sont les bienvenus, de toute personne qui s'intéresse à la façon dont les gouvernements locaux et régionaux peuvent faire du monde un meilleur endroit pour leurs citoyens, sont ici les bienvenus.

Lisez et  découvrez les initiatives locales des plus variées, innovantes et actuelles des gouvernements locaux et de leurs partenaires de par le monde.

On the road to Paris
Climate change - 26/02/2015
The UN climate negotiations in Geneva concluded successfully with a formal draft negotiating text agreed (PDF) that will serve as the basis for further deliberations in the run-up to the 21st Conference of the Parties in Paris. (+)
As poor families face the greatest development challenges, and are also most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, Paul Steele (IIED) and Aaron Atteridge (SEI) argue that their perspectives must be taken into account in providing finance. (+)
This week, Dakar was all ready to celebrate a financial achievement that hardly gets noticed in today’s world when it happens in New York, Frankfurt or Tokyo. But it represented a first for cities in Senegal, as well as the great majority of Africa’s nations. (+)
The Indonesian coastal city of Bandar Lampung
As cities in Asia face up to the challenges of a changing climate, municipal authorities are finding partnerships with researchers can help inform practice and policy. (+)
Local Governance - 20/02/2015
The year 1992 can be said as “the golden year” for Barcelona, the capital city of the province of Catalonia, Spain. In 1992, Barcelona has become the first destination for people around the world especially for world class athletes. In that year, Barcelona was appointed as a host for the world Olympic. (+)
SDGs - 19/02/2015
Los ocho Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio dan el relevo a partir de 2015 a un conjunto utópico y disperso denominado Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible. (+)
