
Ce blog se veut un espace de partage de connaissances, d'opinions, de plaidoyer et de débat, à la fois entre les membres de CGLU mais aussi avec la communauté internationale de gouvernements locaux et régionaux. Contributions et commentaires sont les bienvenus, de toute personne qui s'intéresse à la façon dont les gouvernements locaux et régionaux peuvent faire du monde un meilleur endroit pour leurs citoyens, sont ici les bienvenus.

Lisez et  découvrez les initiatives locales des plus variées, innovantes et actuelles des gouvernements locaux et de leurs partenaires de par le monde.

It is hard to think of a phenomenon that has done greater damage to our environment (as well as to our economy and social fabric) than the mass exodus from our older cities and towns that took place in the latter half of the 20th century. (+)
SDGs, Post-2015 - 30/01/2015
With the issuance of the December Synthesis report by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and the recent start of negotiations in the General Assembly we are entering the final stretch towards the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). (+)
Funding the revolution
A revolution starts with an idea, but to become real, it has to move quickly to a practical proposition about getting stuff done. And getting things done needs money. If the ideas generated last year, in the report of the UN Secretary General’s Independent Expert Advisory Group and elsewhere. (+)
urban and rural interests
It is said that cities were first founded to meet people’s need for security and commerce. People built cities to be close to each other to socialise, sell the fruits of their labours, and gain access to a greater variety of products. Today the importance, size and value of cities have increased, making them the most important habitats of humankind. (+)
Post 2015 Development Agenda
The Global Task Force of Local and Regional Governments is a collective voice that has recently been advocating for the indispensable role of local and regional government leaders and their global organizations. (+)
Everyone seems to want data or more data. Data that helps target the 'right' people with the 'right' things. Data on the billions who suffer deprivations as legitimation for the entire aid and development business. (+)
