
Ce blog se veut un espace de partage de connaissances, d'opinions, de plaidoyer et de débat, à la fois entre les membres de CGLU mais aussi avec la communauté internationale de gouvernements locaux et régionaux. Contributions et commentaires sont les bienvenus, de toute personne qui s'intéresse à la façon dont les gouvernements locaux et régionaux peuvent faire du monde un meilleur endroit pour leurs citoyens, sont ici les bienvenus.

Lisez et  découvrez les initiatives locales des plus variées, innovantes et actuelles des gouvernements locaux et de leurs partenaires de par le monde.

- 29/01/2016
Cities matter, now more than ever. They’re the engines that drive our economy. They’re hubs of innovation and creativity. They’re where we connect with each other—and with the world. In other words, it’s our cities that move Canada forward. (+)
Habitat III, Global Agenda - 25/01/2016
Worries focus on new rules governing this year’s urbanization conference — and push back on suggestions that those guidelines are the most progressive ever adopted for a U.N. event. (+)
SDGs, Resilient Cities - 21/01/2016
Everyone has a connection to the place they call home, be it a large metropolis or a small town. It’s where we raise our families, start a small business and connect with each other—and the world. (+)
COP21 - 14/01/2016
After a week in Paris at COP-21, I discovered the key roles cities have as leaders in the fight against climate change. (+)
It is hard to know with certainty where and why cities will falter and fail in the 21st century. It is even more difficult to predict which cities are going to thrive and survive. What is more certain is that unprecedented urbanization will play a defining role in their success or failure. (+)
An Urban Thinkers Campus in Barcelona focused on ensuring adequate housing as a core part of the New Urban Agenda. (+)
