Over 3000 local and regional government practitioners the world round came together in Rabat 1 to 4 October and adopted the Rabat Declaration at the IV Congress of United Cities and Local Governments.The Declaration calls for inclusive and resilience cities that can significantly contribute to the Post 2015 Agenda and towards Habitat III.
Following the commitment of UCLG in the (UNISDR) Making Cities Resilient Campaign, it calls of a specific goal on Sustainable Urban Development.
The Declaration also emphasized the importance of inclusion and a local focus. “The right to the city, inclusion, equality, access to essential services, decent work, adequate housing, culture, and a balanced environment are essential elements in the sustainable future for all." All of these being instrumental issues for disaster prevention and management which will continue to be high on the agenda for UCLG in the period 2013-2016.
As sphere of government closest to the people, local and regional authorities are at the forefront dealing with the consequences of disaster and need to lead the road to preparedness and resilience.
UCLG, together with its partners, is celebrating the International Day of Making Cities Resilient Campaign 2013 with paying focus on people with disabilities.
UCLG and its members call upon all local and regional authorities to work towards more accessible, just and inclusive communities. It further calls for the international community to acknowledge the transformative nature of urbanization in the new Development Agenda.
More info: IDRR website