First Conference on Metropolitan Governance and Territorial Competitiveness

First Conference on Metropolitan Governance and Territorial Competitiveness

13 March 2015. Barcelona, Spain

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Barcelona Metropolitan Area organizes the European Metropolitan Authorities, the first conference on metropolitan governance and territorial competitiveness , which will take place on 13 March 2015 at 9 am in the Design Hub Barcelona Building Auditorium.

This seminar aims to provide a starting point for a privileged and close relationship among European metropolitan authorities with common shared realities.

The program will consist of a keynote speaker on European metropolises and the challenges of future, in charge to Mr Jean-Louis Cohen  Architect, historian of cities, followed by a debate among the present political leaders from European cities (Torino, Warsaw, Wien, Porto, Barcelona, Rennes, Brussels Capital Region, Oslo-Akershus Region, Paris Métropole, Lille Métropole, and others) and finish with a political statement lecture to be send to European institution and local governments.


First Conference on Metropolitan Governance and Territorial Competitiveness