23-24 March 2015. Barcelona, Spain
As part of the development of the Global Agenda for Local and Regional Governments for the 21st Century, UCLG will hold a series of consultation sessions at its World Secretariat in Barcelona to collect inputs on the Agenda from different types of local governments.
Consultations will be held for local authorities, practitioners, experts, CSOs and partners from intermediary, metropolitan and peripheral cities in order to collect and explore the concerns and priorities of these constituencies.
The consultations will be based on the UCLG Strategic Framework, a tool developed in 2014 for gathering, organizing and sharing local government priorities, policies and narratives. The consultations will use this framework both to help attendees to develop their own Agendas, and to contribute to the Global Agenda.
Intermediary cities are where the greatest urbanization is expected over the coming decades, yet they are often overlooked in international development debates. This session will explore ways of improving their advocacy work and increasing their international profile.
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