11-20 July 2016, New York
+INFO: sustainabledevelopment.un.org
The United Nations high-level political forum on sustainable development (HLPF) will meet from Monday, 11 July, to Wednesday, 20 July 2016, under the auspices of ECOSOC.
The HLPF is the central UN platform for the follow-up and review of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted at the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit on 25 September 2015
HLPF 2016 will be the first HLPF after the adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
HLPF should be seen as an opportunity to call for the SDGs to be linked up with other major international agendas, particularly the New Urban Agenda to be adopted at Habitat III in October.
Local Authorities in the Formal Agenda
- On 13 July, Mayor of Istanbul and UCLG President, Kadir Topbaş, and Secretary for Environment for the State of Sao Paolo, will participate in a session on” Vertical cooperation - local authorities and national governments working together for implementation of the 2030 Agenda.”
- On 15 July, the Mayor of Kitchener, Canada and UCLG Treasurer, Berry Vrbanovic will be a lead discussant in a session “From inspiration to action: Multi-stakeholder engagement for implementation”
The paralell Agenda
The Global Taskforce has co-organized two side events alongside the formal sessions of the HLPF.
- The first, on Localizing the SDGs: transforming global goals into local realities, is co-organized with UNDP, UN Habitat, UCLG and nrg4SD, will be held on Friday the 15th of July, and will see the official launch of the Roadmap for localizing the SDGs.
- The second, on Localizing the SDGs: Achieving Global Goals through Subnational Action is co-organized with SDSN, the Office of the Mayor of New York City, 100 Resilient Cities, UCLG, nrg4SD (organizing partners of the Local Authorities Major Group), UNDP, and UN Habitat, and will be held on Tuesday the 19th of July.
The forum is mandated to conduct regular State-led reviews and thematic reviews of the implementation of the Agenda, with inputs from other intergovernmental bodies and forums, relevant UN entities, regional processes, major groups and other stakeholders.
The forum will adopt a Ministerial Declaration.