6-8 April 2016. Brussels, Belgium
+ INFO: https://www.un.org/ecosoc/en/node/275483
The DCF Belgium High-level Symposium will look to demonstrate how development cooperation actors embrace the new reality of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, including the Addis Ababa Action Agenda, with a focus on country-level perspectives.
The Symposium will focus on two main themes:
- Making development cooperation a better fit for implementing the 2030 Agenda in LDCs and vulnerable contexts
- Adapting development cooperation institutions to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda
The deliberations will feed the preparations for the 2016 high-level meeting of the Development Cooperation Forum (New York, 21-22 July 2016). They will also inform other functions of the United Nations Economic and Social Council, which has a major role in the follow-up of the 2030 Agenda and Addis Ababa Action Agenda at global level.