21-22 June 2016, Barcelona
+ INFO: www.effectivecooperation.org
How do partners of the Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation concretely work to achieve better development results on the ground? UCLG is pleased to announce that it will host the Global Partnership Initiatives (GPI) acceleration workshop in Barcelona on 21-22 June 2016, to discuss among national states, civil society organisations, trade unions, parliamentarians, private sector and foundations which approaches and partnerships work best to achieve sustainable development.
Acceleration Workshop” will aim to help GPIs to step up their efforts in implementing effective development co-operation ahead of the 2 nd GPEDC High Level Meeting (HLM2) in Nairobi (28 November-1 December 2016). The Workshop will provide an opportunity for GPIs representatives to exchange experiences, identify opportunities for collaboration and discuss policy messages that can inform discussions and decisions at HLM2.