15-18 May 2017. Paris, France
+ INFO: icnup.urbanpolicyplatform.org
The Second International Conference on National Urban Policy, co-hosted by the Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) and UN Habitat, will be the first opportunity following the Habitat III Conference in Quito in October 2016 and during the ongoing Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) process, to consider in a global forum the role of National Urban Policy in the global urban agenda.
In the framework of this event will take place a Mayors and Ministers Dialogue on May 15 at 11:00 am – 1:00 pm
This fora aims for a dialogue between different levels of government on urban issues are a rarity at the international level. This session brings together Mayors and Ministers to discuss the value, processes and features of NUP for strengthening the role of cities in sustainable development.
With the approval and ongoing implementation of both Agenda 2030 and the New Urban Agenda, among other global agreements, the formulation of a NUP provides a preeminent opportunity for countries to localize global urban development goals while integrating national and local government policy initiatives and priorities in cities. The session therefore aims at sharing experiences around the NUP process and at identifying common issues and good practices for developing a NUP, in a concerted effort, across different tiers of government. The panel discussion will be moderated and complemented by a Q&A session in the plenary.