6-7 July 2017. Brussels, Belgium
+ INFO: http://www.partnershipforum2017.eu
Implementing the European Consensus on Development: Strengthening and deepening our Partnerships worldwide with Civil Society and Local Authorities
The 2017 Partnership Forum will bring together Civil Society Organisations (CSOs from both the international development and Human Rights constituencies, as well as Local Authorities (LAs)
with European Institutions and Member States.Tapping into the wealth of experience and innovative practices in different constituencies, the Forum’s purpose, as an interactive platform, is to spur a constructive dialogue and gather feedbackon best practices to help the EU institutions further develop its Partnerships and the joint responses they bring to complex and evolving challenges in the field.
In particular, this Partnership Forum will focus on three interwoven threads:
Building momentum. The EU has initiated various partnerships on several important areas
and ongoing dynamics. This thread will explore the role these partnerships can play and how
they can be further developed, beefed up and implemented.
Building synergies. The EU is committed to support multi-actor partnerships. It encourages
and stands ready to support the synergies between its partners. This thread will discuss issues
of common interests and potential concrete initiatives in the respective continents and regions.
Building initiatives. The EU has developed a diverse set of political and financial tools for civil
society and local authorities, including reactive and innovative support models. This thread will
inform and consult participants on the concrete use of these tools and mechanisms available at
global, continental and country level