Engaging local and regional governments in the implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 14, Life Below Water, is essential in the transition towards a clean, blue and just ocean economy. Join our webinar to mobilize stakeholders from local and regional governments, share information and brainstorm ideas on how to strengthen the momentum for ocean action amongst local and regional governments during the preparatory process of the 2020 UN Ocean Conference.
This session of the four-part series “Keeping the Momentum for Ocean Action” is a joint effort from the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, United Cities and Local Governments, the Global Taskforce of Local and Regional Governments and the UN Non- Governmental Liason Service.
The High-Level Webinar will take place on 23 June at 15:30 (CEST). Beyond UN Special Envoy, the Minister of Maritime Affairs of Barbados, and the Ambassadors of Portugal and Kenya to the United Nations have also confirmed their presence.
We would like to ensure that all the visions of the different parts of the networks are included and have therefore prepared a draft Statement to convey our key initial messages on this theme. Enclosed you will find a draft Statement for your review.
The meeting will be divided into four segments: a Political Opening; a second segment on "showcasing local challenges and forward-looking perspectives on oceans"; a third segment on "Keeping the momentum: local and regional governments leadership in the Covid19 era"; a fourth segment conceived as an interactive dialogue. UCLG President, the Governor of East Java, the city of Lisbon and the Secretary of Environment of Jalisco have already confirmed interest in participating, representing the different networks. The GTF will also be involved in the moderation of the debates.
The registration link is open until 21 June and includes an option to manifest your interest to contribute as speaker during the interactive dialogue of the webinar.
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