Participation de CGLU à la IXe Conférence internationale des villes du patrimoine mondial d'Eurasie à Bali

L'OVPM, un réseau international qui regroupe les collectivités locales ayant un site inscrit sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO, représente un cadre de réflexion collective sur toutes les questions liées à la gestion urbaine des biens du patrimoine mondial.

Eurasian cities in a struggle for heritage preservation

The conference was held from April 29 to May 2, 2019 in the city of Denpasar at the kind invitation of Mayor Ida Bagus Rai Dharmawijaya Mantra on the theme “Resilient Heritage and Tourism”.

Public transport at the forefront of climate change action and inclusion

There seems to be little doubt left that climate change is one of the most important threats to the future of humanity. There is also a great consensus on the important role that the transport sector plays in this matter, since it is responsible for 18% of all man-made Greenhouse gas emissions.

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