Urban Agenda

Preparatory meeting with the African Diplomatic Corps for the World Summit of local and regional leaders in Rabat

A preparatory meeting for the World Summit of local and regional leaders, inviting all heads of the African diplomatic corps represented in Rabat was held, this Monday 8th July 2013, at the City hall of Rabat.

Local Governments call for stronger political agenda at UN Habitat Council

The United Nations Advisory Committee of Local Authorities (UNACLA)  met on Sunday 14 April on the occasion of the 24th Session of the UN Habitat Governing Council.

UCLG will facilitate local and regional governments’ contributions at UN Habitat Governing Council

United Cities and Local Governments will facilitate the inputs of local and regional authorities during the sessions of the 24th Governing Council of UN Habitat that will be held on 15-19 April in Nairobi, Kenya.


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