Intermediary cities

The vital nexus between the local and the global

Intermediary cities (i-cities) are cities with a population between 50.000 and one million people that generally play a primary role in connecting important rural and urban areas to basic facilities and services. Intermediate cities info

Intermediary cities are home to 20% of the world´s population and one third of the total urban population.

Because of their scale, intermediary cities can guarantee and provide basic housing needs to their citizenship more efficiently and cheaply than metropolitan areas.

Their crucial role in the achievement of an “inclusive, safe and resilient” urbanism, (Goal 11 of the SDGs), and in the development of more balanced and sustainable urban systems, means that intermediary cities need to become more prominent in the New Urban Agenda and its implementation. 

Agenda for intermediary cities - key messages

Acknowledge the contribution of intermediary cities to the realization of the Agenda 2030 and the New Urban Agenda

Redefine national urban policies to support intermediary citiesin fostering balanced and inclusive urban and territorial development

Unlock intermediary cities´potential to take on fully their responsibility for urban management and development, thought a fair distribution of powers, finances and capacities

Capitalize on the proximity and human scale of intermediary cities by strengthening urban planning capacities and land management to prevent urban sprawl and reduce the urban footprint

Raise the national profile of intermediary cities by branding and promoting themselves as centres of innovation, intermediation, service provition, cultural heritage and prosperity

Fostering national development by encouraging closer cooperation between intermediary cities and their rural hinterlands, as well as inter-municipal partnerships

Develop ambitious local economic policies to créate new opportunities and overcome global and national economic challenges

Tackle global inequalities by developing social policies that ensure affordable Access to basic services, health and education

Reduce the urban environmental footprint to fight environmental degradation, climate change, and the threat of natural disasters

Ensure access and participation in culture and cultural life for all

Adopt the Right to the City