All migrants, all citizens
June 2017 - December 2018
72nd Session of the UN General Assembly, New York, 12-25 September 2017
7th World Forum of Human Rights Cities, Gwangju, 14-17 September 2017
4th World Forum on Local Economic Development, Praia, 17-20 October 2017
Final Conference of the Mediterranean City to City Migration (MC2CM) Project, Beirut, 7-8 Novembre, 2017
Global Conference on Cities and Migration, Mechelen, 16-17 November 2017
Global Compact on Migration - Preparatory meeting, Puerto Vallarta, 4-6 December, 2017
World Urban Forum, Kuala Lumpur, 7-13 February, 2017
Global Compact on Migration - Zero draft presentation to MS, from February to July 2018, New York, USA
Global Compact on Migration - Intergovernmental negotiations, from February to July 2018, New York
Adoption of the Global Compact on Migration, New York, October 2018
UCLG Committees and working groups:
Committee on Social Inclusion, Participatory Democracy and Human Rights
Peripheral cities
Intermediary Cities
Local economic development
Migration and Co development
Taskforce for prevention and territorial management of crisis
Sections and members:
UCLG Africa
Cités Unies France (CUF), Technical Office of Lebanese Cities (BTVL), Association of Netherlands Municipalities (VNG), Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM)
Other partners:
Cities Alliance
International Organisation for Migration (OIM)
UN Habitat
International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD)
The Centre for Mediterranean Integration (CMI) (to be confirmed)
Advocacy: The governance of migration and the inclusion of newcomers in cities are topics that UCLG links to sustainable urban development and planning, because today’s migrants are the citizens of tomorrow. This approach is part of UCLG's mission to promote the right to the city, access to basic services, guarantee of human rights and participation processes.
The implementation of this approach requires, on the one hand a change in the narrative on migration at local level, by promoting and highlighting the inherent opportunities to sound policies on the inclusion of migrants and, on the other hand, a better multi-level coordination and strengthening capacities and local resources.
In this context the global policy will build on positions and experiences from different parts of our network particularly, CEMR, Metropolis, UCLG-MEWA and UCLG-Africa. UCLG will bring these messages to the framework of the Global Compact on Migration, a process of intergovernmental consultations and negotiations to provide a framework to protect human rights of migrants.
Learning: The Mediterranean City to City Migration project (MC2CM) was a laboratory where 7 peer learning sessions have been hold on issues related to governance of migration and inclusion of newcomers at local level. This work will continue during the second phase of the project, by including more cities from the Mediterranean basin and sub-Saharan Africa, as well as national associations of local governments, as agent of knowledge and practices capitalisation and transfer.
UCLG will also continue the work beyond the Mediterranean to replicate and extend focus on migration to other parts of the world with the support of the regional sections, the committees and the international partners.
Implementation: As part of the MC2CM project, UCLG accompanied the implementation of pilot projects, building the capacity of local authorities to deal with migration realities and the inclusion of migrants. The second phase of the project will continue this implementation at the local level.
UCLG will continue to promote the action of its members, in relation to the implementation of the SDGs, the inclusion of migrants directly contributing to the achievement of many sustainable development goals for inclusive, safe and resilient cities.
Monitoring and evaluation: The second phase of the MC2CM project, which will be launched in 2018, will make possible to evaluate and monitor the actions implemented by cities in terms of governance of migration and inclusion of migrants.