Climate change

IPCC to give cities special focus

A successful #CitiesIPCC campaign by city networks and urban stakeholders has resulted in a decision by the IPCC to pay special attention to cities in its work programme towards 2028.


Support the Campaign: IPCC Cities and Climate Change Report

UCLG has joined the proposal for the preparation of a Special Report on Cities and Climate Change. Along with ICLEI and C40, the three networks are mobilizing their members and partners to advocate for the Special Report.

Now our job is to translate the Paris agreement into an action plan

The Paris Agreement, approved by the Parties, states that global warming should be limited to below 2 degrees Celsius, but strives to pursue a 1.5-degree target.

“From COP21 to Habitat III” and the UCLG Executive Bureau in Paris

On 5 December, UCLG held two important meetings for local and regional governments in the framework of the COP21 in Paris, “From COP21 to Habitat III”, a seminar on the social dimensions of climate action in Saint- Denis, and the UCLG Executive Bureau at Paris City Hall. Debates at both e

The Paris City Hall Declaration: a decisive contribution to COP21

Representatives of cities, regions and local governments from around the world gathered for the Climate Summit for Local Leaders at Paris City Hall on 4 December, at the invitation of Mayor of Paris and UCLG Co-President, Anne Hidalgo, and convened by Michael R. Bloomberg U.N.

UCLG World Council and Climate Summit for Local Leaders contribute local voices to the COP21 in Paris

On 4 December 2015, local and regional leaders from around the world gathered at Paris City Council at the invitation of Mayor of Paris and UCLG Vice President, Anne Hidalgo.

Trouvez l'accord et nous ferons le travail / Find the deal, we'll do the job

1er décembre 2015. Intervention de Ronan Dantec, porte-parole climat du réseau mondial de villes CGLU, en ouverture de la COP21, au nom des LGMA (Gouvernements locaux et autorités municipales).



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