Sustainable cities

Ban Ki-moon appoints Caroline Tohá as co-chair of the High-level Advisory Group on Sustainable Transport

On 8 August 2014, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon announced the members of a High-level Advisory Group on Sustainable Transport, which will provide recommendations on sustainable transport systems at global, national, local and sector levels.

"Towards achieving Sustainable Cities and Human Settlements and localizing the Post-2015 Agenda"

Members of the Global Taskforce gathered at the UN Headquarters in New York for the Integration Segment of ECOSOC 2014 have released their joint messages "Towards achieving Sustainable Cities and Human Settlements and localizing the Post-2015 Agenda", on the eve of the debates with Member

UCLG at Iberoamerican Inter-Ministerial Meeting in New York

The UCLG Secretary General addressed the Opening of the Iberoamerican Inter-Ministerial Consultation on Sustainable Cities at UN New York, Co-organised by the Spanish Government and UN Habitat with the collaboration of UCLG, FLACMA and Mercociudades.

Walking audit in Rabat: UCLG joins the UN call for action to tackle road accidents during European Mobility Week

From 16-22 September, more than 2,000 European cities in 43 countries celebrated European Mobility Week (EMW) 2013. Cities local governments, together with non-governmental institutions, ran activities to create a more sustainable mobility culture.


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