Noting Habitat III in the SDGs text would have "enormous meaning" for implementation

Language around next year’s cities conference is under discussion during the final week of negotiations on the Sustainable Development Goals text. 


Localization on the table in process to define indicators for the Post-2015 Agenda

With the UN Conference to approve the Post-2015 Agenda on the horizon, June saw the inaugural meeting of the Interagency and Expert Group (IAEG-SDG) charged with drawing up proposals for indicators to measure progress towards the 17 goals and 169 targets of the Agenda across the world.

2015 High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development

UCLG President, Mayor Kadir Topbaş, will represent local and regional authorities of the Local Authorities Major Group and the Global Taskforce at the opening plenary of the High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) on the 26th of June at United Nations Headquarters in

Local and regional government networks join call for an inclusive process to define Post-2015 indicators

Localized indicators will be essential to the implementation and monitoring of the Sustainable Development Goals.

The essential role of culture in the sustainable development agenda

The United Cities and Local Governments Culture Summit, held in Bilbao between 18 and 20 March 2015, has served to highlight the essential role of culture in the sustainable development agenda and acknowledge the efforts made by the Global Taskforce to ensure that the voice of local and r


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