United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) celebrated its World Council on 4-6 December in Dakar, Senegal, at the kind invitation of UCLGA and the Mayor of Dakar Khalifa Sall.
The World Council is the highest policy-making body of UCLG, meeting on an annual basis.
The meetings gather around 500 local and regional government representatives, focus on priorities for the World Organization and include political debates on the crucial issues of the international agenda impacting local authorities directly. The World Council meetings further provide an excellent opportunity to meet with UCLG members -mayors, local and regional leaders and local government associations from across the world- as well as partners from international community and development agencies.
The 2012 World Council was held on occasion of the 6th Africities Summit. Africities is among the most important gatherings of the local government agenda in the African Region; this Summit’s edition had as theme: “Building Africa starting from its territories”. The UCLG World Council meetings had direct links with the Africities Summit program in order to increase synergy and exchange among both gatherings and attendees.
This 2012 edition of the UCLG World Council was preceded by the World Forum of Regions organized jointly with ORU-FOGAR.