Get involved and share your vision for a sustainable urban world!
UCLG and the Global Taskforce have undertaken a joint communication effort through social networks to draw attention to the issues related to cities and sustainable urban development.
Your support is needed! Engage in a real-time conversation on cities and enhance the reach of our message by using the hashtag #CitiesWeWant to tag all tweets related to #HabitatIII and sustainable urban development.
Download your favourite image and share it with your own message, or use one of our tailored messages below. A social media package containing a variety of messages and images can be accessed here.
Furthermore, we invite you to follow the top list of influencers and players on Twitter, who are actively seeking and sharing information about the topic.

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Acting now! Shaping the #CitiesWeWant [**uploaded image**] #HabitatIII @GTF2016 @UNHABITAT
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[ActingNOW!] In a world that is constantly undergoing urbanization, Local and Regional Governments need autonomy and resources to build inclusive and sustainable cities.
This will be the message that Local and Regional Governments and their associations, will take to the first Preparatory Committee Meeting for the Habitat III Conference (PrepCom I), being held at the United Nations Headquarters in New York on 17 and 18 September 2014. #CitiesWeWant #HabitatIII [**uploaded image**]
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Acting now! Local and Regional Gov. defining their Urban Agendas towards #HabitatIII [**uploaded image**] #CitiesWeWant @GTF2016
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[ActingNOW!] In a world that is constantly undergoing urbanization, Local and Regional Governments are defining their URBAN AGENDAS towards #HabitatIII.
This will be the message that Local and Regional Governments and their associations, will take to the first Preparatory Committee Meeting for the Habitat III Conference (PrepCom I), being held at the United Nations Headquarters in New York on 17 and 18 September 2014. #CitiesWeWant #HabitatIII [**uploaded image**]
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The new Urban Agenda must support the roles of everyone involved in making it a reality [**uploaded image**] #HabitatIII #CitiesWeWant
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[ActingNOW!] The new development agenda should be UNIVERSAL at the same time that it recognizes differentiated responsibilities. It should acknowledge local and regional governments as a specific sphere of government and as key actors of development building on their proven contribution to innovative solutions addressing global and local challenges. This will be the message that Local and Regional Governments and their associations, will take to the first Preparatory Committee Meeting for the Habitat III Conference (PrepCom I), being held at the United Nations Headquarters in New York on 17 and 18 September 2014. #CitiesWeWant #HabitatIII [**uploaded image**]

Tweet the message: Local Governments play a critical
role in the development of a country [**uploaded
image**] #CitiesWeWant #HabitatIII @UCLG_CIB