To become a member of the World Organization, you can opt for membership through the CORRESPONDING REGIONAL SECTION or as DIRECT MEMBER of the World Organization.

For membership through the REGIONAL SECTION, please contact the Regional Secretariat directly. If you would like to become a DIRECT MEMBER of the UCLG World Organization, please select the type of membership that corresponds to your organization:

Categories of membership:

  • Local or Regional Government of the UCLG network is open to individual towns, cities and local governments.
  • Local or Regional Governments’ Associations: representing local or regional governments in a country or state
  • International Association of Local Governments is open to international local government organizations that represent specific categories of local governments, and/or whose purposes relate to specific sectors or thematic issues.
  • Associate membership is open to organizations which, though not themselves local government organizations, are strongly concerned with or involved in local government matters: NGO’s, Researchers, Training Centres, Academic Institutions, Ministries, State Agencies, International Organizations, Foundations and Corporations

For inquiries, please contact the UCLG World Secretariat

All members are required to pay an annual membership fee. Membership fees are based on a calculation that takes into consideration the number of inhabitants represented by the member, and the state of the country´s economic development.

Membership conditions

All applicants for membership must commit themselves to support, promote and adhere to the mission, values and objectives of UCLG as detailed upon membership acceptance. Membership of United Cities and Local Governments becomes effective upon payment of membership fees.

How to join

To apply for membership of UCLG, please download and complete the membership form and send it to the UCLG World Secretariat.