
This blog is a space for knowledge-sharing, opinion, advocacy and debate, both between UCLG members and the wider international local and regional government community. Contributions and comments are welcome from anyone who is interested in how sub-national governments can make the world a better place for their citizens.

Read on to discover the most varied, up-to-date and innovative initiatives of local governments and their partners from across the globe.

The cities of Minneapolis, Minnesota, and Montpellier, France, are working with IBM to make data-driven decisions to rapidly transform the way they provide water, transportation and emergency management. These and other cities around the world are increasingly using data to make better decisions and allocate resources. (+)
Suez environment
Suez Environnement, partenaire de CGLU, la SAFEGE, l’Ecole des Ponts ParisTech et Sciences Po ont le plaisir d’informer de la tenue d’une Conférence sur les Villes sobres, les 2 et 3 juillet 2014, dans les locaux de Sciences Po Paris. L'industrie de la ville, souvent considérée comme une activité peu innovante se trouve peut-être à l'aube d'une transformation. (+)
São Paulo
Local Finance, Urban Agenda - 23/05/2014
José Uilton has seen a lot of things change along Luís Carlos Berrini Avenue since he took over a bar here 17 years ago. Most of the squatter settlements, known in Brazil as favelas, have been cleared out. Meanwhile, luxury high rises have gone up, making this one of the most expensive areas in São Paulo. (+)
Lorena Zárate, President of Habitat International Coalition (HIC)
Lorena Zárate, President of Habitat International Coalition (HIC) outlines the multiple challenges facing the rapid growth of urban populations and how a multistakeholder framework entitled the "right to the city" could provide a comprehensive approach to support the sustainable cities and human settlements. (+)
Medellín’s turnaround could not have happened without crackdowns on drug violence. But Gerard Martin thinks a series of reforms culminating in a new constitution for Colombia in 1991 were just as important. (+)
Mayor's Roundtable: Urban Equity and the New Urban Agenda
Cheikh Gueye, the Deputy Mayor, Dakar, Senegal, opened the roundtable by emphasizing the impact that being a mayor has on transforming leaders: "it’s so demanding, so complex, and yet so fulfilling." She also asked the other mayors whether they have a "Medellin urban forum," or a "Nairobi, or Dakar urban forum". (+)
