Metropolitan cities consultations

 Background on UCLG’s work 

With metropolitan cities

Metropolitan cities have a long history and experience in the international arena. Created in 1985, Metropolis is a global association of major metropolises that brings together 139 cities and metropolitan regions with more than a million inhabitants from all over the world. It was one of the founding members of UCLG in 2004 and now represents metropolitan cities within the organization.

With peripheral cities

The international network of peripheral cities was created in 2003, becoming the Committee of Peripheral Cities of UCLG in 2004. Today, the Committee is made up of around 200 peripheral municipalities of large metropolises from 25 countries. The committee aims to promote the exchange of experiences and practices and develop a common approach to the outskirts of cities.


In March of 2015 we held consultations on the role of metropolitan and peripheral cities in the Global Agenda of Local and Regional Governments for the 21st Century, using the UCLG Strategic Toolkit. The results of these consultations will guide our ongoing work on the Global Agenda and Gold IV.

We have published reports on the consultations with the aim of opening up the debates to an audience beyond those who directly participated.

We invite local governments and our partners to reflect on the ideas and proposals in these reports, and to build on them with their own inputs using the Strategic Toolkit.

To send us your ideas, to share your experiences, or to join our consultation group on metropolitan and peripheral cities, write to [email protected].