Call for Presidency of United Cities and Local Governments

Launched in 2004, United Cities and Local Governments is the global advocate and representative of democratic local government, inheritor of a century-old movement. It has members in over 140 countries across the world, bringing together individual cities, regional governments and national local government associations in one united global organization.

United Cities and Local Governments has a Presidency composed of the President and up to 5 Co-Presidents. At least one of the above office-holders must come from an individual local government member; at least one must come from a national association and at least one must come from a member of the Metropolitan Section.

It is strongly encouraged to take the principle of gender balance into account. 

The Presidency is the principal representative of the World Organization and its visibility, while collective, rests to a great extent in its hands.

The Presidency is elected by the World Council of United Cities and Local Governments, which will meet on 15 November 2019 in Durban.

The World Council is the principal policymaking body of UCLG. It comprises of 342 representatives that hold a political mandate and who are nominated through an electoral process facilitated through the Sections, with oversight of the Committee on Statutory Affairs. The World Council that will elect the Presidency will be appointed by the General Assembly on 14 November in Durban.

[See below the UCLG Conduct of Elections]


  • Candidates should represent a paying local government member of UCLG.
  • The member represented by the candidate will be up to date with the payment of their membership fees.
  • According to the UCLG Constitution, the members of the Presidency shall hold a local electoral mandate; they must also be at the head of a) a local government or b) a national association of local governments.
  • In order to advance in gender balances, female participation is strongly encouraged.


Candidacies must include:

  • Short biography
  • Manifesto or motivation letter specifying the post they would like to fulfil
  • Statements of support from 6 different local government members from at least 3 different Sections
  • Explicit acceptance of the Terms of Reference for the UCLG Presidency

Candidacies must be presented by 15 September 2019 and sent by email to:

Emilia Saiz
Secretary General
United Cities and Local Governments
Email: [email protected]

Any questions concerning the above can be addressed to the Secretary General through the email above.

Updates on the electoral process will be provided through the UCLG website:


Please click on the links below to access the following documents: