The UCLG Forum on Intermediary Cities is a consultation and policy development process that culminates in an event every two years. The Forum process is led by the City of Chefchouen and supported by a core structure of pilot Intermediary Cities:
Intermediary Cities Habitat III
Local networks call on the UN and Member States to #Listen2Cities at Habitat III
Submitted by admin on Thu, 12/05/2016 - 18:11
On the 12th of May local networks launched the #Listen2Cities campaign to call on the international community to listen to cities and territories in the negoti
UCLG analyzes the challenges and benefits of implementing urban-rural policies in intermediary cities
Submitted by uclguser2 on Fri, 30/01/2015 - 16:47
Under the leadership of Harold Guerrero, Mayor of Pasto, and co-organized by the UCLG Working Group on Intermediary Cities, Findeter and the International Labour Organization (ILO)