The Global Community of Practice on Transparency and Open Government of UCLG is organizing a morning dedicated to the discussion on local open government in collaboration with the Open Government Partnership, the Government

The Global Community of Practice on Transparency and Open Government of UCLG is organizing a morning dedicated to the discussion on local open government in collaboration with the Open Government Partnership, the Government
Submitted by uclguser2 on Tue, 04/12/2018 - 16:00
As the closest level of government to the people we are very visible as we are close to our citizens we can take advantage of this proximity to start concrete actions to prevent corruption by engaging in active po
Submitted by uclguser2 on Wed, 20/06/2018 - 16:46
Technology has transformed the world in fundamental ways, and has had an impact not only on the access to information, but also in how governments address transparency and accountability.
7-11 May, 2018. Worldwide
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