
Knowledge exchange and cooperation at the local level: Seminar on the Modernization of Municipal Management

With the aim of encouraging knowledge exchange and collaboration between cities, the Committee of Digital and Knowledge-based Cities organizes an annual thematic and operative event that enables the exchange of experiences and knowledge,

The UCLG Committee on Digital and Knowledge-Based Cities participates ​in the Uraía​ Platform's first​ capacity-building workshop

The Committee has be​en an active partner of the Uraía platform since it was launched in 2014 during the workshop “SMART Technologies for municipal sustainability” held in Santander.

Ban Ki-moon appoints Caroline Tohá as co-chair of the High-level Advisory Group on Sustainable Transport

On 8 August 2014, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon announced the members of a High-level Advisory Group on Sustainable Transport, which will provide recommendations on sustainable transport systems at global, national, local and sector levels.


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