Madrid 2017 - Executive Bureau


Madrid 2017-Bureau Ejecutivo

Thank you to all the participants of our Executive Bureau
and first Word Forum on Urban Violence and
Education for Coexistence and Peace!



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If you missed the World Forum you can see
here all the sessions recorded 

The United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) Executive Bureau was held on 18-19 April in Madrid, Spain, under the invitation of the Mayor of the city, Manuela Carmena (click here to read the invitation letter).

The 2017 Executive Bureau took place back-to-back with the World Forum on Urban Violence and Education for Coexistence and Peace, on 19-21 April, organized by the cities of Madrid, Paris and Barcelona, UCLG, UCCI, AIPAZ and UN Agencies.

 What was in the programme?  

Tuesday 18 April 2017

Wednesday 19 April 2017