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Local government development cooperation
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“I am a great fan of cadastres, bringing it back to the local level and make sure that it is clear who is the owner of the land, to show that they are the legitimate owners.” said Dutch Minister for Development Cooperation, Ms. Liliane Ploumen, in reaction of the intervention of Ms. Annemarie Jorritsma. (+)
European Year for Development
By members
The year 2015 will comprise many high-level events whose conclusions will prove decisive for the sustainable future, namely the adoption of the new sustainable development agenda and the Paris Climate Conference, and has most fittingly been designated as the European Year for Development. (+)
ASEAN Economic Community 2015
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The role of local governments in local economic development (LED) is a critical question in the context of the ASEAN economic integration. Decentralization and market-oriented reforms offer local government, the private sector and local communities the opportunity to work together in new ways to improve the local economy. (+)
UCLG-MEWA Executive Bureau met in Adana
By members
Smart Cities - 22/12/2014
With the support of Adana Metropolitan Municipality, which hosted the meeting and the Union of Municipalities of Turkey which provided logistical support, UCLG-MEWA took important decisions such as approving the program of activities, adopting bylaws and establishing new committees in the MEWA region. (+)
Resolutions Africa Conference-Marrakesh 2014
By members
Resolutions Africa Conference, organized under the high patronage of his Majesty the King of Morocco by Marrakesh City Council, the FMDV-Global Fund for Cities’ Development and UCLG Africa from 11 to 12 December 2014 in Marrakesh, was enclosed on Friday, December 12th by the signature of the... (+)
Season Greetings from the President of METROPOLIS
By members
- 19/12/2015
On behalf of the entire Metropolis team and myself, I would like to extend my best wishes for 2015 to you, your families, your collaborators and anyone dear to you. I would also like to express my sincerest gratitude to you for your renewed support in my re-appointment as President of Metropolis (+)
